PUPIER, Paul & WOEHRLING, José, Ed./dir. (1989). Language and Law - Langue et Droit, Montréal: Wilson et Lafleur, 641 p.
PRINSLOO, Karl, PEETERS, Yvo, TURI, Joseph-G. & VAN RENSBURG, Christo, Ed./dir. (1993). Language, Law and Equality, Pretoria: University of South Africa, 343 p.
IALL-AIDL, Ed./dir. (1993). Langue et Identité, Bruxelles-Rennes :IALL-AIDL, 221 p.
IALL-AIDL, Ed./dir. (1994). Language and Law in Asia, Bruxelles: IALL-AIDL, 214 p.
HERBERTS, Kjell & TURI, Joseph-G., Ed./dir. (1999). Multilingual Cities and Language Policies - Villes plurilingues et politiques linguistiques, Vaasa-Vasa: Åbo Akademy University, 454 p.
FLEINER, Thomas, NELDE, Peter & TURI, Joseph-G., Ed./dir. ( 2001). Law and Languages of Education - Droit et langues d’enseignement, Bâle, Genève, Munich: Helbing & Lichtenhahn, 561 p.
MORALES-COLL, Eduardo, Ed./dir. (2002). Lengua del Estado - Lengua del Peublo; Langue du peuple - Langue de l'État; Language of the People - Language of the State, San Juan: Ateneo Puertorriqueño, 572 p.
TURI, Joseph-G. & VRABIE, Genoveva, Ed./dir. (2003). The theory and the practice of linguistic policies in the world – La théorie et la pratique des politiques linguistiques dans le monde, Iasi: Editura Cugetarea, 332 p.
WANG, Jie, SU, Jinshi & TURI, Joseph-G., Ed/dir. (2006). Law, Language and Linguistic Diversity, Beijing: Law Press China, 507 p.
BROHY, Claudine; FEYTOR PINTO, Paulo & TURI, Joseph-G., Ed/dir. (2009). Direito, Língua e Cidadania Global – Droit, langue et citoyenneté mondiale – Law, Language and Global Citizenship, Lisboa: Associação de Professores de Portugués / IALL-AIDL, 605 p.
BROHY, Claudine, du PLESSIS, Theodorus, TURI, Joseph-G. & WOEHRLING, José, Ed./dir. (2013). Law, Language and the Multilingual State - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, Bloemfontein : Sun Media, 373 p.
AGRESTI, Giovanni & TURI, Joseph-G., Ed./dir. (2016). Représentations sociales des langues et politiques linguistiques. Déterminismes, implications, regards croisés : premier congrès mondial des droits linguistiques. Proceedings of the First Worldwide Congress for Language Rights, vol. 1er, First Vol., Roma: Aracne Editrice, 410 p.
YE Ning, Joseph-G. TURI and CHEN Le, Ed./dir. (2017). Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Law and Language of the International Academy of Linguistic Law (IALL 2017) : Law, Language and Justice. The American Scholars Press, Marietta, Georgia, USA, 286 p.
AGRESTI, Giovanni & TURI, Joseph-G. , Ed./dir. (2018). Du principe au terrain – norme juridique, linguistique et praxis politique. Actes de Teramo 2015. Proceedings of Teramo 2015. Volume 2, second volume, Roma. Aracne Editrice, 540 p.
TURI, Joseph-G, Guest Editor (2020). Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication, Volume 42. Special Issue of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, Poznan, Poland, 125 p.